Got a question for us? A prayer request? Need to talk to someone? We’re here.
Be confident that every question, concern, and prayer request is received and answered personally by one of our staff members or ministry leaders.
To contact us, you can use the quick links on right hand side, the contact form below, or feel free to call or stop by our offices.
For counseling specific requests, please call 0773800374 / 0761428675
Church Offices
Plot 49 - 55, Makerere Hill Road,
P. O. Box 2560 Kampala - Uganda.
Right at the Sir Apollo Kagwa road traffic lights
Weekly Services
Sunday Services
First (1st) Service > 7AM - 9AM (English)
Second (2nd) Service > 9AM - 11:30AM (English + Luganda)
Third (3rd) Service > 11:30AM - 1:30PM (English + Luganda)
Lunch Hour Services
Monday - Friday > 1PM - 2PM
Upper Room Experience
Every Friday > 5PM - 6:30PM
Overnight Prayers
Every Friday > 9:30PM - 4AM
Specific Inquiries
Finance and Administration
Cell Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
Careers Office
Music Ministry
Evangelism & Missions